Twin Lakes Kennel Labrador Retriever Breeding & Training Facilities
Twin Lakes Kennel Labrador Retriever Breeding & Training Facilities

Visiting Twin Lakes is a great treat for children of all ages.  From the white sand to the water to the Canada geese and the Labrador Retrievers of all colors and ages, there’s never a boring moment at Twin Lakes.

Twin Lakes Kennel, our breeding and training grounds, is a clean, modern, state-of-the-art facility.  Located among the wooded, rolling sand hills of Scotland County, just outside of Laurel Hill in North Carolina, Twin Lakes Kennel offers a complete year round training program for you and your Labrador Retriever. Our graduates and their owners have proven our methods on waterfowl and upland birds from South America to Alaska. The specially developed terrain, nestled between numerous streams, ponds, and lakes, provides for a well-rounded training regimen for your retriever.

For our clients who want to title their hunting dogs, we also run a schedule of AKC Hunt Tests, up to and including The Master National. Woody is also a Life Sponsor of Ducks Unlimited and supports their hunting retriever events.

We have been breeding hunting retrievers for over 35 years. Our emphasis has always been to produce puppies that are physically sound as well as intelligent and tractable. Our Labrador Retriever puppy guarantee is second to none.


Working with a black Labrador retriever
Woody working with a black Labrador Retriever.

Woody Thurman, Owner/Trainer of World Class Labrador Retrievers

At the heart of the Twin Lakes program is Woody Thurman, our training director. Woody, the only son of Carl Thurman, a noted pointing dog trainer of the 1950’s, developed a special sensitivity for dogs and an awesome respect for people who could train them, while still a toddler.

He has devoted most of his adult life to training and breeding hunting Labrador Retrievers. Woody’s amazing ability to thoroughly teach each lesson to each dog on an individual level reflects itself in working Labrador Retrievers that are under control, but maintain all the natural drive and style that are the essence of hunting retrievers.

Learn more about directions to Twin Lakes Kennel.

If you live in the Southeastern United States and would like to visit Twin Lakes Kennel in North Carolina, you are always welcome. Please be sure to call 910.462.3246 to schedule an appointment. We want to be here for you when you arrive.



Call Woody and Judi Thurman at (910) 462-3246 for more information.