Labrador Retriever Takes Top Spot for Record 23rd Year
In their annual announcement released on January 31st of 2014, the American Kennel Club (AKC®) revealed the results of their pure bred registration statistics. Once again, the intelligent, family friendly Labrador retriever has taken the #1 spot on the most popular list for the 23rd consecutive year, the longest reign at the top in AKC history. Woody and Judi Thurman, owners of Twin Lakes Kennel, were not surprised by the announcement. “We know how popular the Labrador retriever is just by the high demand we have experienced this year,” said Judi. Judi, who is in charge of everything puppy, said, “This has been our strongest year in our forty year history of breeding these beautiful dogs. We have helped birth and place more puppies this year than in any of our previous forty.”
Woody, Master Trainer who has titled more than 200 AKC Master Hunter Labrador Retrievers and also qualified another 47 retrievers at AKC Master Nationals said, “We select from the most dominant American field bloodlines and breed for natural hunting instinct and tractability, producing healthy, intelligent, trainable puppies.” The Labrador retriever puppies from Twin Lakes Kennel are intelligent, gentle, trainable, and the most well rounded Labrador Retrievers possible, making them a most desirable family pet.
“Owning bigger breeds… have been on the rise during the past five years,” said AKC Spokesperson Lisa Peterson. “As the economy has improved, people are turning back to the big dogs they love…” AKC also reports that, not only is the Labrador retriever the Number One dog in the country, but is also Number One in each of the following cities: Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Raleigh, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, DC. Read the full text of the AKC press release here.
Labrador Retrievers For Sale in Rochester
According to the AKC registration statistics, the Labrador retriever is the most popular pure bred dog in New York City and Buffalo. At Twin Lakes Kennel, we have been breeding and training world class Labrador retrievers for almost forty years. Our industry setting Puppy Guarantee makes buying one of our pure-bred Labrador retrievers one of the wisest decisions you will ever make. But don’t take our word for it. Read the personal testimonials from prominent Labrador Retriever owners from around the country.
Our Labs can be found across the country in forty (40) states from the great Southwest to historic New England, from frigid Alaska to the Sunshine state. Located near Laurel Hill, NC, we have shipped more than 8,000 world class Labrador retriever puppies and adults to locations as far away as Alaska. We can easily ship our guaranteed Labs to your location in or around Rochester. For details, Visit our Puppy Page or call Woody or Judi for up-to-the-minute puppy information at 910.462.3246 or use our user-friendly Contact Us Page.
Labrador Retrievers Make Good Therapists
In recent articles, a licensed professional counselor with thirty years of experience, explained how owning a Labrador retriever can help produce healthier, happier, more well adjusted children and seniors.
Dogs decrease loneliness in children. When the older child (children) go off to school, often younger siblings experience loneliness and are sad from missing the older child. A family dog can serve as a companion and friend. A playful dog provides security that one is not alone, especially when Mommy is busy and cannot spend time reassuring the child. Children who come home to an empty house and have to wait for parents or other siblings to return have someone to share their time with. If they’ve had a bad day, they know that they can tell any secret to their canine friend. By having someone to talk to and play with, your child feels much more secure and less anxious about being alone.
Be sure to read the rest of her articles: Ten Reasons to Own a Dog and Labs and Seniors.