According to registration statistics recently released by the American Kennel Club® (AKC), the Labrador Retriever is the most popular purebred dog in America for the 21st straight year. More than twice as many Labs were registered than any other breed making it a likely leader for many years to come.
In a recent article, a licensed professional counselor for more than twenty-five years, explained how owning a Lab can help produce healthier, happier, more well adjusted children. Here is an excerpt from her article:
The ten reasons that I am giving for children to have a dog are not listed in order of importance. All of us have different characteristics which we find more important than others. Every reason I list, however, is important to the childhood of your son or daughter.
Dogs are great stress relievers for children.
According to a study from SUNY Buffalo (2010), married couples subjected to various types of stressful tasks who were allowed to see their dogs before or after the task, had the lowest responses to stress than those who didn’t. Imagine the effects on family life when the stress levels of parents go down. Children who have a dog feel more secure about home safety and going to sleep in the dark. One of the greatest stresses on children is night fears. To have this overcome, or lessened, is a great benefit to relieving stress. For children who are having any sort of difficulties at school, but especially thoughts and concerns over being liked or accepted, having a dog as a companion that loves you unconditionally is positive and brings with it a good feeling and alleviates symptoms of depression.
Be sure to read the rest of her seven part article, Ten Reasons to Own a Dog.
At Twin Lakes Kennel, we have been breeding and training world class Labrador retrievers for more than thirty-five years. Our Labs can be found across the states from Hawaii to Maine, from Alaska to Florida. Our second-to-none Puppy Guarantee makes buying a pure-bred Labrador retriever one of the wisest decisions you will ever make.
But don’t take our word for it. Read the personal testimonials from prominent Lab owners from around the country. And visit our Puppy Page or call Woody or Judi for up-to-date puppy information at 910.462.3246.
Did you know…
- The first permanent residents arrived around 1847 to settle on land between the Grand and Little Calumet Rivers, on the South end of Lake Michigan. Those first residents were German farmers newly arrived from Europe looking for land and opportunity. Before that time, the area was a crossroad for Indian tribes, explorers, stagecoach lines and supply lines to the West.
- Roby Tap was a legendary tavern within a suburb of the city that was finally torn down in 1999 to make room for an expansion of the Horseshoe Casino at the nearby marina. A popular watering hole for the workers at the nearby American Maize and Lever Brothers Soap factories as well as surrounding steel mills, it was founded in 1941. Longtime bartender Michael Smaluk and his wife his Margaret (who created the extremely popular Roby Tap Chili) ran the tavern until its eventual demolition.
Source: Wikipedia